What is the difference between S275 and S275JR steel plate
What is the difference between S275 and S275JR steel plate? S275 steel is specified by EN10025-2 steel standard, and it has 3 variants: S275J0, S275J2 and S275JR steel plate. For S275 steel variants, J2/JR/J0–material toughness in relation to the Charpy impact or V notch test methodology. Obviously, S275JR steel plate is only one of the variants of S275 steel plate.
S275 and S275JR steel plate are unalloyed low carbon mild steel supplied as hot rolled. S275 and S275JR steel plate provides low strength with good machinability and is suitable for welding. The average minimum yield for S275 steel is 275 N/mm², hence named as S275.
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